On my blog, I talk about my life, family, things in my mind and a lot of things about church and or church planting. I do not think I have made a post on what I do everyday. So here is what I do.
During my days I get stuff together for the church so we can legally and efficiently function as a church. I have to get all legal documents for the state and the IRS turned in. I think through worship services and what I will preach during our meetings. I look for locations to meet in (found one: Northside Community Church). I meet with pastors and church planters to disciple me and to keep me in check to make sure I know what I am doing. Just to mention a few of these guys
Heath and
Matt. I raise money so I can feed my family as well as the church. I work on all things such as logo's, series titles and more. The list is never ending.
One of the main things that I do and love is to meet people. I meet with people in my flock for lunch or coffee and talk about life. I encourage them and we talk about life and how we can become more like Jesus. I also meet people and talk with them about joining our team at
Awaken and I cast the vision of our church to them. If they like what I say, then they come and see if
Awaken is for them. Some of these people are leaders that could help start the church with us and others are people that do not like traditional church and want something different or people that do not go at all. I usually post what I am doing throughout my day on
That is a little of what I do during my days. I work during the week at night and we also have people that support our family. I usually work about 12-15 hours a day. It is tough work, but this is totally what God has called us to do, so we follow. This is a little about my life and the life of our church planting family.