Well it is good to be back on here. Life has been very busy. I bought
a house, bought a dog, sold a dog, started an interim position, got the
full time position, bought a truck, started P90X, lost the remote, and
am now back to blogging.
The first blog I want to write
about is about what students want in student ministry. I will share a
few things that I have found that they want/need. I did not find out by
blogs, books or any other source. I tried something innovative. I asked
From programs to small groups to pizzas and campus time, there
are a lot of things that make up a student ministry. There were several
things that I heard from my students and I will just share two. Here
they are:
1. I want to know you care 2. I want to be heard. There
are many ways to do youth ministry and many different personalities in
it, but at the end of the day what matters is that students know that
you care and you listen. We lead them to Jesus when they see Jesus in
us. Jesus cares and Jesus listens.
Do you care? I asked many of my students several
different questions just to see what they were thinking and how they
were feeling. I believe that if I am a youth pastor (and I am), then I
should... pastor. You can not pastor, lead, Shepard people if you do not
know them. If I were to Sheppard sheep and did not know much about
sheep, they would all probably run away. If I am ignorant of sheep and I
do not know how they act, think (do sheep think??) and respond, then I
am probably up the creek. The same with youth. Asking them questions, getting together outside church and asking about their lives are just a few ways to show you care.
Do you listen? It is good to hear from middle and
high school students. Its good to see where they are in life. As I ask
questions, I love to hear the comments that come back. I know that I
cannot implement everything they tell me and that is not the point. The
point is to just listen. It's to hear their heart. Listening shows them
that I care.
So I write this blog to share ministry life
with you and maybe even encourage you in your life. Are there people in
your life that need to be heard and cared for? Just sit with them.
God is King! I thank him for my family and all he has provided.
For my loving church, great staff team, killer youth group, caring youth
parents, and an awesome youth leadership team. God has blessed me. I
continue to look forward in seeing what God has planned.