Friday, February 29, 2008

I'm a Christian and a Buddhist? Part 2.

(read part 1)... You cannot combine all of the religions of the world to get to the one true God. You have to pick a way that shows you how to get to God. So why have I chosen Christianity? Well first, God chose me, but I believe that Christianity has nothing to do with how good mankind is. As a matter of fact if it was determined by that, we would all be hellbound. Well, as a matter of fact we are all hellbound. It has to be the grace of God that softens a persons heart. Christianity has everything to do with the first part of the word itself;Christ. Christ has paved a way for a dying people to come into contact with God. Humanity is dead, God is alive. It is through faith in the Son of God that one can come into true communion with the God of the universe. The Bible is a book on life. It shows us God's story and through it how to live. That is the only way to God. Some might think well, that is an arrogant way of thinking, to say that you have the only way. Look at other religions. They have certain standards that you must abide by to get to God. That is the beautiful thing about Christianity; your standards suck, it has nothing to do with you, but with everything to do with God. Christ died for you. No other religion or cult has a God that died for them. Our God Bleeds! Put your faith in the one true God, through the Son, and see what He'll do with your life.

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