Monday, September 8, 2008

"The Real Life"

I am a big dreamer. I dream of many people coming to Christ and walking by faith and loving each other. That is the heart of my job. As I serve in Student ministry, I want students to bow at the feet of Jesus. Although this is a great goal and sounds good, it is not always an instant reality.

Take for example a girl in my youth group. I think that she is loving Jesus and following hard after him and I find out that she struggles with cutting. Or another girl that has a different guy with her every other week. Or some guys that only come to church because they have to. In a real life and in a real world, ministry is not always neat and fun. Sometimes it is messy and sometimes it just sucks. But welcome to the real world where real depraved beings exist.

The hope is not to preach the next "best message", or plan a great trip, or have a rockin band, but the next step is to sit down one on one and hear the pains and hurts. The next step is to listen and care.I cant wait to see the world change, but it takes time.

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