It is great to have good friends. Charlie is one of my best friends. It is kind of freaky of how alike our lives our. We got married the same summer... well not he and I but we married our wives the same summer. We grew up in the same city, went to the same college, moved our wives both into a similar size 400 sq ft apt, graduated together, got pregnant (our wives that is), started ministry the same time, Faith and I got pregnant when Kylie was 8 months old, he and Jessica got pregnant with their second child when Norah was 8 months old, both have 2 girls and beautiful wives and we try to be good dads and good husbands. Above all else we are both followers of the same Lord.
Kind of weird how similar things are huh? Charlie is a great friend and a great guy. He is a Worship Arts Pastor at Journey Church. I am a Lead Pastor at Awaken Community Church. Our journeys continue to go together. We were able to dream, think and pray for our city together today. I appreciate real men of God like Charlie. Charlie I love you bro. I hope you have a best friend and you guys can dream together and do life together like Charlie and I do.
Sweet pic huh?