Monday, March 31, 2008

Cleaning up

Today we cleaned our den. Big news huh? We cleaned because we are getting ready for our new baby girl, Abigail Hope. She should be here a week from tomorrow and we are so pumped about it.

I like to clean once I start, but the problem is starting. I think that principle applies in many parts of life. Stuff builds up and our lives get cluttered. Go look at my office. I need to cut out a few hours to clean it up. The cool thing about cleaning out the junk, is that you feel free and much better once everything is clean. Go clean something.

The last few weeks have been a great time, because I have been studying the life of Jesus in Matthew. Before these last few weeks, my life has been junked up. It is not like I was walking in sin; I was just walking alone. Jesus just renews my heart and mind when I spend time with Him. He cleans me up. Hope that doesn't sound all warm, fuzzy and fake; it is just true. John 15 rocks. Remain in me and I will remain in you. -Jesus

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