The last few days I have thought to myself, "I have I studied too much?" Here is what I mean by that... I talk about reaching people that are not interested in church and maybe even not interested in God. I want to connect with those people. I want to serve them and show God's love to them. So, what have I done? I have studied many ways on how to reach them. There is one problem... I have not been with them. I haven't been in the bars, chatting with people at Wal Mart or Intentionally having the same waiter at Chilli's or changing my oil at the same place for the sole purpose of building relationships. There are so many relationships to be built.
Will I stop studying? No, because I need to know my culture and the people that I am reaching. But I will say that I need to take a break and go and be with them. I do not think Jesus read 7 books, 3 blogs, watched 4 sermons and prayed 6 hours before he went and spoke to the woman at the well. He just went. So should I. Studying; good, life on life, better. I encourage you to do the same. Go build a relationship with someone for the purpose of loving them and showing the love of Jesus to them.
Justin, I enjoy watching you grow in the wisdom of our Lord. It is a lifetime journey and you are an inspiration to me and I'm sure others who follow your blog. I like your comments about Jesus not doing all the "technology" stuff before reaching out to the woman at the well; he did study as he knew his Father's Words and taught us how to "love God and love people" (love the motto you borrowed from Jesus). Sounds simple enough but can be a difficult thing for us humans. God has given us the use of "technology" which is a wonderful communication and reference tool but we also have to take the time to "be still". There is one sermon my Pastor shared with us a couple of years ago that has really stuck with me I guess more than any other when he told our congregation how he begins his daily prayers. He slowly says "Be Still and Know That I Am God", Be Still and Know That I Am", "Be Still and Know". I guess I needed to hear that because I think of it so much and what it means to "Be Still" in the presence of our Lord. There are lots of folks out there who need us to be still and listen so we can share God's love with them. By establishing a relationship with these folks we will have the opportunity to do just that. How many times throughout our day have we all passed up opportunities God placed in our path? We live in a fast paced world. To "be still" so we can hear God speaking is a beautiful part of our spiritual journey. DJ :)
Thank you DJ. That is very good for me to hear. That is really good for me where I am at right now as well. Thank you for the encouragement and kind words.
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