It takes faith and a lot of prayer to plant a church. I am also convinced that you have to be either crazy or called to plant a church. I praise God for what He has put on my heart and how He wants to use an average neighborhood kid like me to be a part of changing a city.
Please pray for me, my family and our core group as we continue this radical, faith building journey that God has put us on. Pray for patience, endurance, clear direction and an open heart to God and people. Pray for yourself to see if you should join us in anyway to be apart of this movement. To God truly be the glory for who He is, what He has done and what He continues to have in store for His church.
I'm at a two year old church plant which is in the process of a very painful leadership change. I know exactly what you're talking about. Some days all I see are the limitless potential of where we're at, but other days all I see are the problems and my failures. Over the last month I've received my strongest praise and my harshest criticisms. Being part of a young church plant is very bi-polar.
So true Sean. Keep pressing on.
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