I always like to extend an invitation for people to come to Awaken because I truly believe everyone needs a real relationship with God and people. We want to provide that at Awaken. Come to the YMCA in Hixson on 9.13.09 at 10:30 and start over in life.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Awaken and the YMCA
We have our first practice service at the YMCA tomorrow morning. I am stoked. We are doing a run through with the greeting, kids and the main meeting. We want to make sure we work hard to make it easy for people to come and be loved at Awaken. Many people will walk in the door being very sketchy about God, church, Awaken and who we are. Many people will come to church one final time before they call it quits. What do we have to offer them: A program, tradition or love and compassion? We want to make sure we do a great job in our preparation that it seems effortless when people come and attend Awaken.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Just chilling with my family on vacation. Life has been pretty busy so its good to just lay back and take it easy for a week. Pretty fun vacation so far. We kicked it off with a staff retreat and after everyone left we have been hanging by the pool and the big jacuzzi tub. I take my family (especially my wife) for granted a lot. I have a sweet, beautiful wife who loves me and supports me in everything I do. Kylie, 2, is so sweet and is learning a lot. She asks lots of questions. She just nailed down her months of the ear and is now working on the days of the week. Abigail, 1, is a mess! She is the sweetest/cutest thing around, but is so bad and has a strong wheel. She's a mess.
I thank God for the blessings that he has given me in my life. I hope this week will help me be mindful of my family throughout my days, weeks and years to come. I pray that I can be the biblical husband and father that I need to be.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Why the church in America will continue to die...
There is bad news. Although many sit in church and may close their eyes and praise God and maybe even shed tears, the reality is that all churches and all denominations are declining or heading for a decline. And the real bad news is because it's not even that Satan is a work (although he is), but is is because the church is turning people off and away. The population continues to grow rapidly, but the church is decreasing rapidly.
A study done among 16-29 year olds states that the reason that most of this age group does not go to church is because it is judgmental, anti-homosexual, hypocritical, boring, irrelevant and using words like insensitive to describe the church.
Now one question to ask is, would you go to any business or spend any money or even attend anything that was lead with these characteristics? Why does Wal Mart strive and succeed? They have everything you need (relevant). Why are bars flooded every night of the week? People at bars are (non judgmental) and people accept you. Why do millions of people scream and yell and get excited at Football games every week? Because they're awesome and anything but (boring). You getting the point? Why are Wal Mart, bars and football better than Jesus? They are not, but the church makes it look that way.
Listen, if you do not go to church, I can totally understand why, but I also want to challenge you to find a place where you can go and worship the God of the universe, because He is the One that longs to be with you. If you are involved in a church or have a leadership role, I challenge you to make some drastic changes if you want a younger generation to follow Jesus, because currently they are all going away. Be like Christ, not Pharisee's. Stop judging people in bars when your 95lbs over weight. Don't look down on the pot head while you are looking at porn when your wife is not looking. Stop judging someone that listens to "bad" music while your judging them for listening to it. What we've done church, is that we have judged the non Christian while in the mean time we have not judge ourselves and held one another accountable. The church must change or the church in America will continue to die. Lets get started.
Monday, August 10, 2009

Is sex for everyone and anyone?? Well it depends on who you ask and their view on sex. There are many different ways and methods, but is there a right way and a right method and even for the right person?
Biblically, sex is great and meant for marriage. Many people in life don't mind sleeping with... well, anyone, but they miss out on "the one" for them. If you are not a Christian that may not make sense to you, but if you are a Christian, then Biblically you need to wait for your husband/wife.
Sex is a very, very touchy subject. Many have had unpleasant and even fearful experiences when it comes to sex and they need to deal with it. We are getting ready to launch a church. Its called Awaken. We are teaching on things like marriage, sex and a distorted view of sex called; porn. We are not afraid to open up and talk about the big elephant in the room. Jesus talked about the things that were relevant to the culture in which he preached. This Wednesday from 6:00-8:00pm we have a community group meeting and we'll talk about sex. Come with questions. Contact me if you are interested in helping us launch Awaken or if you wish to come and check it out. We just want to be real with God and each other. justin@awakencc.org
What do you think about sex?
PS I could write volumes on this subject, so this is simply a quick overview to get people thinking. We also look to launch a series about sex in the Fall at Awaken.
Community Group -Wednesday 6:00-8:00
Sunday Nights - 6:00-7:15
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Love and Marriage

While all of these are peoples personal view points, what really is the point of marriage? Who tells us what the point of it is and why we do it? Why no just live together, why get "Married"?
Many people have different ways of looking at the world whether they realize it or not. Its called their worldview, meaning, the way they look and view the world. Each person has a set of things they value, which determine what they believe, as a result they behave according to their values and beliefs. I try to follow a Biblical worldview for the things I value.
God created marriage. It is set up to show Christ's love for His church. "What? What does Jesus have to do with marriage? you may ask". In the book of Ephesians in the Bible, Paul shares that the point of marriage is to show people how much Christ loves us. He says men are to lead and love their wives like Christ loved the church, even the point of giving Himself up for her. Men, we have a huge job. The women are to submit, help and respect their husbands. If a man does his job, then its easy for the woman to do her job. Unfortunately there are few men worth submitting to, helping and much less respecting.
So where do we start? First you need to give your life to the One that created you and realize His purpose(s) for you (this is not just believing in God, but following Him). Then follow Him and surround yourself with people that follow Him. Those people are called Christians. The word Christian has been watered down because we have had many claiming to be Christians and show the love of God, but it is merely with their words that they do so.
This week at Awaken we are talking about Biblical truth and how the Bible should guide our lives in all things, marriage just being one of many. If you do not belong to a church, find one... a good one. I would like to invite you to Awaken this Sunday night. What is your view of marriage? What is your marriage like? Thinking about getting married? Make sure you realize the point of one of the biggest decisions of your life.
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