While all of these are peoples personal view points, what really is the point of marriage? Who tells us what the point of it is and why we do it? Why no just live together, why get "Married"?
Many people have different ways of looking at the world whether they realize it or not. Its called their worldview, meaning, the way they look and view the world. Each person has a set of things they value, which determine what they believe, as a result they behave according to their values and beliefs. I try to follow a Biblical worldview for the things I value.
God created marriage. It is set up to show Christ's love for His church. "What? What does Jesus have to do with marriage? you may ask". In the book of Ephesians in the Bible, Paul shares that the point of marriage is to show people how much Christ loves us. He says men are to lead and love their wives like Christ loved the church, even the point of giving Himself up for her. Men, we have a huge job. The women are to submit, help and respect their husbands. If a man does his job, then its easy for the woman to do her job. Unfortunately there are few men worth submitting to, helping and much less respecting.
So where do we start? First you need to give your life to the One that created you and realize His purpose(s) for you (this is not just believing in God, but following Him). Then follow Him and surround yourself with people that follow Him. Those people are called Christians. The word Christian has been watered down because we have had many claiming to be Christians and show the love of God, but it is merely with their words that they do so.
This week at Awaken we are talking about Biblical truth and how the Bible should guide our lives in all things, marriage just being one of many. If you do not belong to a church, find one... a good one. I would like to invite you to Awaken this Sunday night. What is your view of marriage? What is your marriage like? Thinking about getting married? Make sure you realize the point of one of the biggest decisions of your life.
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