When many think of a preacher they think of someone who can preach. Someone who can communicate the truths of God's Word to people and relate it to their everyday lives. Some people call it preaching, teaching, speaking, communicating, but the point is you want people to hear and apply the undeniable truths from His Word. I believe this is what God has called me to do.
A Pastor is a Shepherded. Someone who watches over their flock. They care about each individual under them no matter what they do or who they are. They have a passion to make sure each person in their church succeeds in life. Pastors should look out for the good of the families in their church. This is something God has called me to do as well.
I believe I am called and gifted in both areas, but if I were to choose one, it would be a pastor. I love pouring into the lives of people. We are a very young church (a month and a half old) and I have been able to pastor and do some life on life already. I get excited for a young engaged couple that is coming to our church this Sunday. I look forward to pouring into their lives. I am excited to go over a budget with a 24 year old guy to help him glorify God in their finances. I know while we are a small church I can have more hands on with most members. As we grow, others will need to step up to help oversee all of the flock.
What about you? What about you as a pastor or a member? Pastor, do you like to preach or pastor more? Would you rather hear your pastor preach or pastor you?
I love to hear the stories of how you have connected with people in your church and the things going on there. I can't wait to have those same stories coming out of The Net. I hope in both cases people step up within the church. It takes so much more than a pastor/preacher to make a church. The people make the church.
Thanks for the encouragement Travis. We are coming to visit you guys the 18th. I agree that people make the church. People are the church. I think many church planters are understanding that more than many of our traditional churches and that is where the life change comes. It is caring about the people and their lives. Excited for you guys and for God to continue to do amazing things in our city.
We share your excitement. It is going to be amazing. My main blog is the Randomthoughts blog. I am bad about updating either of them, though. Look forward to seeing you on the 18th.
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