John the Baptist had a pretty big job. He had to prepare the way for the Lord. The God of Heaven came into the world and John had to prepare the way for Him. Pretty big job.
This real man Jesus, came into a speck called earth, lived with the lowly, never sinned, died and then he came back to life. He really came back to life. He ended up going into heaven and sits with God. We should be preparers like John. We exist to prepare for the arrival of Jesus when He comes again.
Are you kidding me? Is this really true? If so, then what are we doing with our lives and our ministries? Is it really about programs and appealing to everyone and their likes for them to attend our churches? God has really been putting relationships on my heart. I believe that the church should be build on real relationships. Where we confess sins and not hide them. Where we admit problems in marriage and do not like we never fight. Where we encourage believers to get rid of debt and not act like we have to own the next best whatever. I encourage pastors and church planters to change some things up in our churches, to build real relationships. Real life on life.
The world will believe in Him because of our love for one another. If we are not real with one another, then we do not really know each other, if we do not know each other, then how can we love one another.
The point is this. Be real, love one another, others will come to know God and we will be preparing the way for the Lord.
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