I was in a wreck today; a guy ran me off the road. My Jeep might be total. Here is the kicker, the knife in the back, the irony of it all. I actually had a good friend and one of our supporters for Awaken tell me that he wanted to buy tires for my Jeep. He already had a few price quotes. I was thankful for the offer. Then got in a wreck. Praise God that I am alive after spinning out through three lanes of traffic on hwy 153. No one was hurt. God is good.
So, is this because of Satan and/or his demons or just from the reality of life in a sinful, fallen world? Many people blame things on Satan, but fail to realize that sometimes life happens and that we just live in a sinful jacked up world. Others blame everything on a messed up world and fail to realize that Satan really is prowling around like a roaring lion looking to destroy our lives. And his purpose in coming is to steal, kill and destroy.
What are your thoughts? Did Satan cause my wreck or was it just life? Tell me about a situation in your life. Did you struggle with why some things have happened the way they did?
You were run off the road because God is so angry with all of your sins... Just kidding. That's ridiculous. I definitely agree that Satan is prowling around looking for ways to destroy our lives and bring down as many people around us possible, but I'm not so sure that he has the power to control physical forces unless specifically allowed to by God - and rarely does God seem to allow this. However, the fact that we live in a jacked up sinful world may play more of a part than we think. The other guy's inability to pay attention or maybe boredom with the drive could be attributed to his minds depravity. Or maybe he was too conscious of himself - thinking about his mistakes, past decisions, future responsibility, etc. Whatever the cause, it is not ours to say for it is not our responsibility to understand where the wrong derived so much as it is our responsibility to respond with humility showing the same grace and forgiveness that was given to us by God after our offensive behavior towards Him. Just another simple minded thought.
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Thanks for your insights Charlie. Good thoughts.
You are not alone.....Jeff was in a wreck last week and turned his car over; it rolled. The funny thing is, he had already decided to give that car forward to someone who needed it. Then, he wrecks it. Moving heaven and earth causes hell to awaken too! Remember the country song, "When You're Going Through Hell, Keep On Going?" Do it! We're doing the same thing.
Thanks for the encouragement Shane.
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