1. A need for Relationships
2. Need to have a Good Time
3. Community desired.
Pros of a bar: 1. Relationships, a good time and community are a few pros to going to a bar. People seem more real at a bar than at church. You are not judged. Everybody seems to be open to meeting everybody, it does not matter sex or race, cool or dork. Many cant build those kind of relationships at church, but can at a bar. Some people at bars are Christians that have not found community in a church.
Some Cons - Although many find relationships, some still do not have a relationship with the God that created them. A good time with other believers with prayer, learning Gods Word and changing a community are missing; which is ultimately what we were created for. One guy asked me if I go to strip clubs. I wanted to say "No, but I do go to church", but I think that may have severed that relationship. He was new to town and said he would like to hang out with us next week. Nice guy, drove a nice Chrysler 300 with a hemi, talked about his kids and mine, owned his own business, and was there looking to meet people.
Do you think it is good to go to bars so you can build relationships and lead someone to Christ or do you think it is sin and we should not go?
*If you have a problem with absorbing too much alcohol and it is an addiction, you should probably refrain from going.
I do not think that it is a sin to go to bars. Even if your there to hang out with friends a have a couple of drinks. There is definitely a balance though. If your going out every weekend getting drunk or you feel the need to go to the bar in order to have a good time you need to check yourself. I always feel better about myself and am more at peace when I fill myself up with Christ, by reading the Word, prayer and worship. I think it is more of a sin to participate in many of the sinful things at church. Many "prayer meetings" or "fellowship time" is nothing more than a gossip group. The hypocracy, greed, and lying is more prevalent in a church than a bar. In my past I have found that many of the people in a bar are far more loyal, nonjudgmental, forgiving people than people in church. It is much easier for a person from the bar scene to turn and live like Christ than someone that was raised in a religious, traditional church.
Wow, Tony, good insights. It makes you think of why the church functions like it does, and how it needs to change to be more real with itself and real with those that are far from God.
This subject is extremely dear to my heart. I say that because I have spent a lot of time in bars during the past 3 and a half years of my life, and to be honest, not for the right reasons. However, I do agree with both you, Justin, and Tony, in that there is a fierce sense of community that takes place within the four walls of a bar. A bar can be a place where "everybody knows your name." You come as you are, and nobody cares. The playing field is leveled, and you can sit down with anybody and share a brew. I think if some churches would adopt the bar mindset of welcoming everyone, the body of Christ would have a relevant and lasting impact on our culture.
wow, good thoughts Jeremy. Who would have thought a church could have learned from a bar. Just being real.
I came across your website looking for paying drum gigs on Craigslist, and started surfing your site. Very interesting and also inspiring. Keep up the good work.
This is an interesting discussion. I am a firm believer that God will show up where you least expect Him to be. Jesus hung with prostitutes and sinners regularly and was criticized by the Pharisees for doing so. So do I believe that hanging out in bars is a sin, no. But I do believe that your "witness" is somewhat compromised by the setting. Maybe that's the point. Churches for so long have taught that to visit certain places is a SIN. I don't believe that a Geographic location has anything to do with your HEART. But your HEART for God will not let you go to certain places. Yes the concept of community is missing in most churches, and I applaud your effort of reaching people where they are, and not having them come to you. Jesus did connect with people before He converted them. But not all that met Jesus was converted..(Nicodemus?). It is a very interesting topic which I don't have an answer for everyone. But the answer for me, is that I choose not to hang out in bars. I also choose not to drink. I strongly believe that there is a constant war that wages for our MINDS. I choose not to put anything in my body that could temporarily disconnect my communication with GOD. And yes it is a constant struggle. So, I cannot place myself in those settings. But it may be completely acceptable for you. I would just say Stay Connected... who knows where God will show. And a testimony to that is my parents. My father was a musician playing at night clubs and bars, and my mother was church pianist. My mother was fooled by her friend, and thought they were going to a Bible study, and was tricked into hearing a jazz band at a local club. My mother was furious and angry to be there, but God was working as my father was the bass player in the band. During a break in their set, he scoped the scene and saw my mother... needless to say a drunk bass player was not what my mother had in mind, but as he persisted to see her again, he asked for piano lesson and said that he always wanted to learn....(knowing that he could already play the piano, but just wanted to see her again). Anyway he gets busted as my mom figured out his motives at there first lesson. (He started playing Bach and Chopin when she left the room and she overheard and said.. "this fool can play the piano!") She figured the best way to get rid of him was to invite him to church. He came, and hasn't left. They will be married for 30 years this August. God will show up anywhere, you just have to be ready to receive HIM!
I like this blog trail. I myself am a Christian and what God has led me to do is get away from clubs and bars because of urges that arose. I dried up the desires in the desert for a year and it was hard on me and I was criticized by friends for being "lame." Those worldly desires won’t ever be completely gone until the day of sanctification, but God used that time to instill obedience in my heart and wisdom in my mind. After much prayer God has put in my heart that I am able to go to bars without stumbling as easily because my life’s focus has been led towards Him. It is the company I carry, His love, and His gift to me of my own uniqueness that others will see.
I agree that what draws people there is a social setting and I know that God has made me a social creature. I love interacting, friendship, and companionship. That is why I have been called to evangelizing. That said I know you shouldn't get drunk (Gal 5:20-22) and you must be aware that the scene may kill your testimony. My testimony focuses on my relationship with Christ geared for growing and increasing, because I desire to know Him intimately. We all fall down, but a Christian gets back up; A Christian remembers their past, but instead of dwelling they remember His Glory for leading you out. Be led by His will, not your own and you will do fine.
There is nothing good for Christians in bars. Relationships you find in them are based on the flesh rather than the spirit. The camaradarie you find in them is the devil's counterfeit for godly fellowship. If you even think of going to bars, you should take an accounting of yourself and find out why you feel this need.
I'm loving this thread. I'm 22 and have never been into the bar scene. I've been a few times here and there but I've always felt something weird. Over the last two years my relationship with the Lord has become the most important and cherished thing in my life. I have 'Christian' friends who do enjoy going to the bars and tonight when I was asked to join I accepted on the bases of rekindling old relationships. At the first bar I met up with a friend that I went to high school youth group with and he bought me a drink and we just caught up. I never had a settled felling in my spirit during the whole conversation. I felt something looming over me the entire time. I even found it hard to pray.
After that a group of friends asked me to meet them at the bar next door. At this bar there was a lot more dancing and it only took me two minuets to realize I needed to leave. It simply felt dark.
So here's my dilemma... I feel hardly any temptation going into bars to get drunk or look for less than savory relationships, yet when I do have an chance to go and witness at a bar I would like to be able to take the opportunity.
Now here's my question. Should I even bother going to bars even though it sometimes is my only chance to love on some of the people I hold dear? Also how did satan get such an upper hand on the dance floor?! I've danced in the glory of God before but the stages seem few and far between. I want to know where there is a club full of people dancing in the love of Jesus, because I'll go there right now.
I personally believe that I am light and said light penetrates any dark place. I believe in the freedom of God and abide therein.
We as Christians often get caught up on the words witness and testimony.
The truth is that God used a prostitute to be a witness of his grace and love and her entire household was sabed.
There is one testimony and it belongs to Christ. We are to tell people what he did and is doing never what we are doing.
I like some of the points being made here. I love music and I love to dance and ocasionally I like to go where no ones judging me or thinking the worse of how I dance.
Also I hadn't been to a bar in 15 years but when i learned how free I am I went. Prayed before and after and thanked God for a goid time.
I get bored with church activities and I want the abundant life Jesus afforded for me. How then do we enjoy life if we never do anything.
God is not as stuffy as a lot of Christians think. He loves me and is with me always. Even in a bar. He is dancing over me!
Such real ignorance on the part of those who believe that it's ok to hang out in a barroom or club. Shallow, weak and wimpy christian if I can even call you that.
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