"Finish well" is a phrase that I've heard a lot in my life. It means more to me now then ever. It's very tough for me to see friends who have abandoned the faith. Many still believe in God and even Jesus, but their lives are not in His hands. They do not follow Him or obey Him with their lives of actions. My prayer is that God would bring an awakening to my city that that people would come to really know Jesus, that they would really know what it means to be a follower of Christ. If you have abandon your faith, I pray that you would consider coming back. Become a follower of Christ. The One that made you, loved you and gave His life for you. It is the only life worth living.
The world and all of its stuff and desires will soon fade and only Christ will matter in the end. Get plugged in to a good church where people will love you and hold you accountable. Start over, Christs love is sufficient for all who have fallen and messed up in life. If you are a Christian, continue to press on and
finish well. Fight the fight and
finish the race. If you are not a Christ Follower, follow him and
finish well with the rest of your life.
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