Friday, July 31, 2009


Finally ready. Its almost here! We are just six weeks away from launching Awaken Community Church at the YMCA in Hixson. We are pumped to see what God is going to do in our city. Continuing to think of marriages finding freedom, the addicts healed and many coming to know the reason for life; Jesus. Jesus is not just a noble guy or a man that came to do some good in the world, but the Son of God who came into the world to give hope and life to depraved people in their sin.

Many of us find something to put our hope, worth and significance in, but it all is a waste without knowing the one who made us. Its not just believing in God, but truly knowing Him and having a relationship with Him. We look not to bring tradition or legalism to our city, but to bring hope, love and serve our community just like the church of Acts (in the Bible) did.

If you are "de-churched" (seperated from church) or just not sure about God and life, I would love to invite you to Awaken. We are launching Spetmember 13th at the Hixson YMCA. Pray for us as we seek to see a community changed forever.


Unknown said...

Justin - I am keeping you and your family in my prayers as you venture forth in this new endeavor. The youth of this world desperately need leadership and I am thankful for young men like you who are willing to go forth and spread the word.
God bless you.
Daniel Edwards

Tony Holland said...

Its almost here!! I can't wait. I'm stoked to be a part of this revolutionary church that God is using to bring people together by the power of His love. To see people set free by knowing and experiencing His love, to change a community not only by love but by giving away half of everything, this is a church that I can relate to and be proud of.

Unknown said...

Justin - I will surely be keeping you & your awesome ministry in prayer - that you'll do God's work boldly & mightily for His Kingdom. Your (Eph. 6) rear guard, Jody