Wednesday, April 2, 2008

I do not like "Christian" Pharisees

I am studying the life of Christ in the book of Matthew. I can see why many people like Jesus, but do not like His followers. The crowds constantly followed Jesus. Every time Jesus was in an argument it was with a Pharisee. Many people today would not step a foot inside a church, but would probably hang out with Jesus all day if He came down in physical form again.

What's wrong with this picture? Everything. Christians are suppose to put together what the Scriptures say is the body of Christ. Many times we are perceived as a body of hypocrites or a body of people with an agenda. What happened to just loving people? Where did that go? There are a lot of "Christian" Pharisees out there.

We (I) need to realize the purpose of my life. It is not to convert people. It is to love people. Yeah I hope they put faith in Christ, but I have nothing to do with that, it is a sovereign God who saves. I hope today I would love people for who they are.

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