Friday, January 30, 2009

Staying busy: Update on life.

I am usually a daily blogger, but have taken a few days off because I have been staying busy.

Family: Our family is doing well. Faith is getting out of the house more which is good. It gets lonely being in the house with two little kids all day. I am glad she can get out a little more and have some freedom. Kylie is speaking a lot and singing songs that I have never heard before. She is going to the potty a lot always making us laugh. Abigail keeps growing teeth (is that the right phrase?) and being sweet as ever. I have been able to spend a little more time at home the last few days which has been so refreshing.

Church: Awaken is going extremely well. Still looking for our next location since we grew out of the house we were meeting in. I get tempted to go to weekly meetings, but need to be patient and see how things go.

Job: I am in the interview process at a job and hopefully we can get on there so we can pay our bills.

God: God is doing some amazing things in the life of my bride and me. He keeps drawing us closer to Himself in a way that has never happen. We look forward to see what He wants to do with our lives.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Kylie Singing

3rd Awaken meeting

We had our 3rd Awaken meeting last night. It went very well. Kyle and Lon lead us in some praise and worship and we played some catch phrase as well. I spoke about our DNA as a church and how each person helps make up our church. We talked about how we can build the church with our time, talents and tithes.

It was a great meeting. We had 24 people attend and I think 6-7 people were new. We are excited about our core group growing and curious to see what God has in store for us. Including a few that missed last night, we have around 30 people and are already looking for a new place to meet. We have had two offers for potential places. We'll see what happens. God is continuing to move.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Meeting with Men

I met with some of our leadership team from Awaken today for lunch. We were discussing how we were going to do things as a church (programming, teaching, worship and so on). As I think through each of their lives, I think about their future. I am glad to see that they live their lives for Jesus and I pray for their future wives. I hope as each one of these men continue to grow closer to God, that God would continue to reveal more of Himself to these guys.

Brian, Joey, Allen, Kyle and Stephen, I love you guys and I am excited to be in this journey together.

I hope to continue to meet with these men and talk about how to be a man, raise a family, balance a budget, love your wife, flee from temptation, get a good job and more as we "do life" together. Men should be the leadership of their families and lead their families in a God honoring way. I hope to play a role in their lives and be an example and encouragement to them.

Friday, January 23, 2009

What If People Quit Church?

What if people quit church? Well the reality is is that they do. So the question should not be "What if people quit church", but "Why do people quit church". I did my own little survey with some family and friends. I always read and heard people just did not go to church because it was judgmental, hypocritical and so on (negative thoughts). Although those topics probably lead the way for reasons people do quit church, I found another answer.

I asked people and they just said, "I do not know, I just quit". I asked was it because it was hypocritical, judgmental and so on (negative thoughts)... but they said " no, I just quit".

I think one question pastors, church planters and the rest of the body should ask is "Is our church helpful?". I think if we were really helpful and impacted peoples lives, they would stay. Words like hypocritical and judgmental are negative words. The people I asked did not go to a negative church, but did not go to a helpful church either. I think if we implemented ideas like being relevant, engaging, funny, thought provoking and more, in our messages, small groups and in our church atmosphere and environments, we would probably keep people's attention and be helpful to their lives. We need to be real with people, love them and relate to their lives.

We shouldn't only be asking ourselves defensive questions like "What do we do to be non hypocritical and non judgmental" But proactive questions like "What are we doing to be helpful"

I don't know. These are just some thoughts. What do you think?

Thursday, January 22, 2009

People That Inspire Me

People that inspire me.

5. Francis Chan. Francis is a great godly pastor. I was able to fly out to CA to meet with him a few years back. I am thankful that he took out that time for me. He is such a passionate man of God.
4. Hung Thach. Hung has been my mentor for 10 years and has been so influential in my life. He encourages me to walk by faith. I always feel like I could change the world after we meet.
3. My Mom. My mom has worked so hard her whole life to provide for my brother and me. Thank you for all of your years of hard work mom. 
2. My wife; Faith Deweese. She is very wise and thoughtful. She is beautiful and sweet. You are the love of my life Faith.
1. Jesus Christ - what a life to be able to imitate.  I am thankful that I have a reason to live and something to live for because of Jesus.

Networking with Pastors

I met with Matt, pastor of Rockbridge today. He has taken me under his wing and has been a great encouragement. Matt is a great pastor and a great mentor for me to look up to as a young church planting pastor. We went to Oakleaf and met Michael and the gang. Michael is doing a great thing in Cartersville. I have family that attend that church and they rave about it.

Later on I met another local pastor who spoke into my life. We had a great conversation about life, church and our jobs.

I am glad to have people in my life that I can look up to and they can invest in me. Do you have someone investing in you?

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Working out

It felt good to get in  a workout again today I am on day 3 of 90 in my workout routine. When I start working out, things start to change. Yes physically, but also emotionally and spiritually. 

God wants us to glorify Him in all parts of our lives, and yes even physically. Try to do some push ups, go on a walk; something. I bet you will start to feel better about yourself and about life.  

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Go Deep

Listen to Go Deep. Nice sound. Very good.

In the community

I live about 15 minutes from the Hixson community (where we have Awaken Community Church). I love going into the community and meeting people. I am sitting at Panera right now (they hook me up with free Wi Fi, Thanks Panera). I met a lady named Kelly at the counter. We did not strike up any kind of deep conversation, we just spoke. I said thanks Kelly after she took my order. Saying someone's name is such a compliment to them. I hope to get to know Kelly more and more as I stop in Panera. I hope one day if she does not already know my Lord, that she will know Him. I hope one day her and her family can worship with my family at our church. 

In my community I also went to Hixson Middle School, filled out a facilities request form and am now curious to see if God would open it up for us to meet in. The principal and vice principal are very nice and encouraging. It would be a nice place to meet.

I encourage you to engage your community and the culture around you. Embrace the people and love them for who they are. Life change will start to happen.

Monday, January 19, 2009

90 Day Challenge starts today

Today starts the 90 Day challenge. I am heading to the gym. I may try to run a little, even though I hate running just to run. Hit the chest and triceps. I currently weight about 180. Would like to turn most of that into muscle. Here we go...

Friday, January 16, 2009

Getting ready for the 90 Day Challenge

A few posts back I talked about a 90 day challenge. I have been getting my mind set for the challenge for the last few weeks. I have downloaded some music and sermons from Francis Chan and Mark Driscoll. Ready to roll. If you are on Facebook and want to join, here is the site.

It starts 1.19.09 and goes for 90 days.

When We Go

I have been falling more in love with Jesus the last few months. I have learned more of what it means to walk by faith. I feel like I am closer to God. I have been praying a lot more. As this has been happening, I have been thinking a lot about life. What is my purpose? In that, I have been thinking of what happens when I go... when I die... when my purpose is over... what happens when Jesus comes back? What happens when all of humanity comes to an end? What happens to all of the people that are left that have not tasted the joy of Jesus Christ? Is there really a hell? Seriously? Are you telling me that there is such thing as a separation from God for eternity?

If so, then how shall we live? Do we stay in our safe homes and have our safe families tucked away in our comfort zone. Do we avoid eye contact, much less initiate conversation with a stranger at the store? If the first paragraph is true, then Christianity in America has to change. Christianity in my city has to change. Christianity in my church has to change... Christianity in my life has to change.

So what happens now?

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Faith and I have been married for over 4 1/2 years. We have definitely had our ups and downs. We have many couples that we know that are heading to get married in the near future.

We have our first experience at marriage counseling tonight. We are excited. We are having dinner at our house and then heading to the living room to chat about marriage and life. It is amazing the responsibility of our roles as husbands and wives. Read Ephesians Chapter 5. Big challenge.

This is a picture of our wedding.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Not Alone

It is comforting to know that I am not alone and that Christ has called my family. My family and I have taken on what seems like an impossible challenge; starting a church. First of all why do we want to start a church? Is it because we need "another" church in our city of Chattanooga? Nope. Not at all. We have plenty. Then why?

First, I feel called to be a pastor and preach, build relationships and cast vision to a church. Second, most churches would not accept me if I gave them my resume. Third, many churches are already in a system that I do not personally think are very effective. Are theses churches good and have nice people? Sure! I just think lack of authentic community exist in many churches in our city. There has to be a place, a church, where people can be real, confess struggles, not act like they are perfect, truly love one another. Jesus said that the world would come to know him because of our love for one another. If we do not know each other, then how can we truly love one another, and if we do not truly love one another, then how will the world come to Christ through us loving each other? They don't. Many won't.

That is why in the book "UnChristian" stats are filled with why people do not go to church. Particularly the 16-29 year old age. Here is a glimpse of what they say, "Christians are supposed to represent Christ to the world. But according to the latest report card, something has gone terribly wrong. Using descriptions like “hypocritical,” “insensitive,” and “judgmental,” young Americans share an impression of Christians that’s nothing short of . . . unChristian".

At Awaken, we honestly want to build authentic relationships with everyone that walks through our doors. Our purpose is to build believers in Christ and reach a community that is far from God. One way, a big way to do this is by love for one another.

This is the reason that we are doing what we are doing and we are not alone, Christ has called us.

If you want to be a part of a church like this we would love to invite you to our next meeting on 1.25.09. E-mail me at if you are interested.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


I've been thinking a lot about time lately since it seems to be limited. I start to think through meetings that I have and the point of them. I want to give God all of my time and use it well.

I have found that in the past I spend time just doing whatever sounds good to me. Whatever I felt. I was just going with the flow. Although many of these meetings and much of my time was good, it was not the most beneficial way that I could have spent it. Now I start to think through the purpose of everything that I do. I want to glorify God by being wise with my time.

What about you? Are you a good time manager? Do you blow your time? Try to think through how you want to spend your time each and every day.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Awaken Second Meeting

Church Planting, what a ride! God is doing some cool things. We had our second Awaken meeting. We had 6 more people check out what we are doing as a church. We talked about one of our core values: relationships. We do not want to recruit people to go our church, but we want to build our church by building relationship one life at a time.

The meeting went well. We started off with a few rounds of Catch Phrase. That was fun. We talked about relationships and gathered around and prayed for a few of people in our group that had needs that needed to be prayed for.

As Paul remembered the Philippians in all of his prayers, I would ask you to pray for Awaken Community Church as you pray. Pray that life change would continue to happen and we would build relationships to build believers in Christ and to reach a community that is far from God.

Our meetings are every other Sunday Night. Next Meeting 1.25.09

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Video Mark Driscoll

This video is great for all, but especially for pastors and church planters.

Friday, January 9, 2009


Preparing the Way

John the Baptist had a pretty big job. He had to prepare the way for the Lord. The God of Heaven came into the world and John had to prepare the way for Him. Pretty big job.

This real man Jesus, came into a speck called earth, lived with the lowly, never sinned, died and then he came back to life. He really came back to life. He ended up going into heaven and sits with God. We should be preparers like John. We exist to prepare for the arrival of Jesus when He comes again.

Are you kidding me? Is this really true? If so, then what are we doing with our lives and our ministries? Is it really about programs and appealing to everyone and their likes for them to attend our churches? God has really been putting relationships on my heart. I believe that the church should be build on real relationships. Where we confess sins and not hide them. Where we admit problems in marriage and do not like we never fight. Where we encourage believers to get rid of debt and not act like we have to own the next best whatever. I encourage pastors and church planters to change some things up in our churches, to build real relationships. Real life on life.

The world will believe in Him because of our love for one another. If we are not real with one another, then we do not really know each other, if we do not know each other, then how can we love one another.

The point is this. Be real, love one another, others will come to know God and we will be preparing the way for the Lord.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Preacher or Pastor?

When many think of a preacher they think of someone who can preach. Someone who can communicate the truths of God's Word to people and relate it to their everyday lives. Some people call it preaching, teaching, speaking, communicating, but the point is you want people to hear and apply the undeniable truths from His Word. I believe this is what God has called me to do.

A Pastor is a Shepherded. Someone who watches over their flock. They care about each individual under them no matter what they do or who they are. They have a passion to make sure each person in their church succeeds in life. Pastors should look out for the good of the families in their church. This is something God has called me to do as well.

I believe I am called and gifted in both areas, but if I were to choose one, it would be a pastor. I love pouring into the lives of people. We are a very young church (a month and a half old) and I have been able to pastor and do some life on life already. I get excited for a young engaged couple that is coming to our church this Sunday. I look forward to pouring into their lives. I am excited to go over a budget with a 24 year old guy to help him glorify God in their finances. I know while we are a small church I can have more hands on with most members. As we grow, others will need to step up to help oversee all of the flock.

What about you? What about you as a pastor or a member? Pastor, do you like to preach or pastor more? Would you rather hear your pastor preach or pastor you?

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Networking and Relationships

I had a meeting today with a few guys that are 19-21 years old. We talked about life and church and really had a good time. One guy told us some crazy stories from when he was in prison. He told us some funny ones too. We had a great time talking about real life and real struggles.

They were all excited about the focus, purpose and vision of Awaken and want to come and check it out this Sunday. I am excited about a group of people getting together for one single purpose; to seek the face of Jesus together. We try to do that in a cool, laid back, non threatening way.

If you live in Chattanooga or are in the area and want to come check us out we would love to have you. send me an e-mail and let me know. check out our website

The 90 Day Workout Challenge

I just started a 90 Day Challenge Workout on Facebook. I invited a few hundred people to join me. If you would like to join us we are starting Monday January 19th. You can join our facebook group or leave comments in my blog posts. I will leave random updates on my blog and on facebook of my progress for my personal accountability

My goal is to get more exercise by playing more basketball and I would also like to bench 325lbs which is a big goal for me.

What about you? What is your goal this year?

What if Starbucks marketed like most churches?

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Second Awaken Meeting

Our second Awaken Community Church meeting is this Sunday, January 11th at 6:00pm. We will meet at:

Brian Currier's House (Our Program Director)
1614 Colonial Shores Dr
Chattanooga, TN. 37373

We have 15 people committed, 50 interested and we are expecting about 25 people on Sunday. If you would like to be apart of a new fellowship, a new church, we would love for you to join us as we "do life" together. Our purpose is to build believers in Christ and reach a community that is far from God.

We thank you for your prayers and support as we are off and running with Awaken Community church in 2009.

Friday, January 2, 2009


Getting ready to travel this year. I always enjoy speaking into the lives of youth. After nine years of youth ministry we have started Awaken Community Church, but I will always enjoy speaking to youth. Excited to see how many students put their faith in Jesus this year.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

The "Meet" behind it all.

It is interesting that as I study scripture I can see more insights as I dig deeper into the text. If I start to study the context, culture, language and understand the writer, I can get some good meat behind the passage. The passage at first hand is good for me to read, but when I get the meat, I feel like I really get a grasp on what the scripture means.

I think it is no different in church planting when it comes to recruiting people to your church. First off I do not like some of the connotations that are associated with the word recruiting. It almost seems like you want another number. Although we are not in it for recruiting and numbers, we are in it to see more people come to know and honor God in their lives. One of the best ways for me has been intentional "meetings". I like to set up "meetings" and start to understand the person, the context of their life, the culture where they have grown up, understand how they talk and relate and just get to know the person.

When we simply "meet" with people and get to know them for who they are, the better chance of a real relationship starting and and a better chance of that they join the vision you have for your church. I think this is a great approach for pastors and members.