Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Am I a church planter or a Christ follower?

Lately I have been spending a large amount of time thinking, talking and praying about church planting, because I want to change the world. I have a few neat oppertunities in the near future. The only problem is, is that church planting has consumed my mind. I need to confess that first and foremost I am a Christ follower. I think when we get hung up on "stuff", even good and holy stuff. Stuff captures our attention and captures our hearts, and we fail. But when the holy God of the universe captures our hearts, then we are lead by His Spirit to take over the world. Whether its bad stuff (sin), just stuff(time on Xbox), or good stuff(wanting to plant a church so thousands are changed by God), stuff cannot control our minds. Colossians says to put or focus our minds on the things above where God is seated, not on the things of this earth. Let's dream big! Let's change the world! But let's do it with Christ leading us.

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